Make sure you make an account or log into your account to start the registration process.Registration ends February 1st Coach Toss for ages 4- 6 year oldsCoedRegistration is $90Mighty Mites Baseball for ages 7 & 8 (Kid Pitch)Registration is $110M...
OCRD Sports and Registration Dates.Football/Cheer: April-JuneVolleyball: May-July, December-February. Soccer: May-August, December-February.Wrestling/Basketball: September-NovemberBaseball/Softball: November-JanuaryTrack and Field: December-FebruaryT...
Open gym will be available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 9am-4pm. (Closed Wednesdays for cleaning)
We are looking for businesses that would like to sponsor the Rec and purchase a sign or 2 to hang in the new Gym! 2 1/2 X 5 foot Sign- 1 for $200 or 2 for $350
Fall: Football, Cheer, Soccer, Volleyball, Tennis Winter: Wrestling and Basketball Spring: Volleyball, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Tennis Summer: Tennis
New Program! Ages 7-12OCRD will provide the team shirts. Please note that this will not conflict with rec basketball in any way! Age control date is January 1st of 2025. To register: Log into your account or make an account on our website.
Our line dancing classes have returned! Make sure you come by and join on Tuesdays!
34 Lakeshore Drive Crawford, Georgia 30630
Phone: 706-743-3533